Lies We Tell Ourselves (Part I)
Lance Byers
07/14/24 Sermon
Joel I - 7-14-24
Lance Byers
07/14/24 Bible Class
I Timothy 5:1
Keith Jones
07/07/24 Sermon
Introduction to the Minor Prophets
Lance Byers
06/16/24 Bible Class
Judas and Peter
Lance Byers
06/09/24 Sermon
II Corinthians 13:5ff
Lance Byers
06/09/24 Bible Class
II Corinthians 12:14 - 13:4
Lance Byers
06/02/24 Bible Class
II Corinthians 12:14-16
Lance Byers
05/26/24 Bible Class
II Corinthians 12:4-10
Lance Byers
05/19/24 Bible Class
I Timothy (Part III)
Keith Jones
05/19/24 Sermon
Honored Mothers
Lance Byers
05/12/24 Sermon
Christian Citizen
Lance Byers
04/14/24 Sermon