

Modest Swimwear

One of the challenges of summer that Christians face is finding clothing that is modest — especially if you plan to participate in any water-related activities. But just what constitutes modest?

Several Bible reference works define modest as “restrained by a sense of what is proper … free from anything suggestive of sexual impurity … not forward or bold … moderate” (cp. 1 Timothy 2:9-10). This “sense of what is proper” is not something that can only be measured by inches. It’s influenced by upbringing, social background, experiences, etc. It should be obvious that everyone’s “sense of what is proper” isn’t the same, although in most sections of our society there is usually an “accepted” standard.

However, as Christians we must also keep in mind that we are surrounded by worldly standards held by people who have little concern about spiritual matters. If we stop our investigation of “modest” at this point, we would have no higher standard than “the course of this world” (Ephesians 2:1-3).

Although we must live “in” the world, we should not be “of” the world (1 Corinthians 5:9-13). Our lives — what we do, what we say, what we wear, etc. —should point those around us to God and promote Christ-like values (Matthew 5:13-16). Christians think about how their clothing will affect the purity of another’s mind. Listed among the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:19 is the term “lewdness” which refers to “that which incites lust.” No Christian would intentionally dress or act in such a way as to provoke lustful thoughts in others. While worldly “styles” many times call attention to sensual and lust-serving desires, Christ tells us to dress in “moderation,” adorned “with good works.”

As a result, a Christian’s dress will usually be “behind the times” or “conservative” when compared with worldly standards. If one is more interested in keeping up with the world than in representing Christ, he or she will be little moved by 1 Timothy 2:9-10, 1 Peter 3:3-4, or similar verses. But for those who want to find modest swimwear and sportswear, it can be done!

Of course, simply finding modest sportswear or swimwear is only half the battle. The other challenge, especially when it comes to water-related activities, will be finding a place where you are not exposing your eyes or the eyes of your children to scores of scantily-clad men and women.

One of the strategies that Stephen Arterburn suggests in his book, Every Man’s Battle is for men to “bounce their eyes” away from immodestly-clothed women. However, there are some environments where it would be nearly impossible to find an appropriate scene to which you can “bounce your eyes.” Christians may have to search for a privately-owned pool or a deserted beach if they want to get in the water. If they cannot find a place that is devoid of bikinis, maybe it would be best to visit the mountains for rest and recreation this summer.

Why keep harping on modest dress? A lot of Christians likely think that no one will change their mind. However, don’t you think the Old Testament prophets thought the same when God sent them to warn apostate Israel? Yet, what did God want them to do? Keep warning! We’re trying to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Adapted from Kevin O’Banion